He's Kicking!

I felt our little guy kick for the first time on Monday (9/21) afternoon. I think. It was either 3 kicks, or some hiccups. I vote for kicks though. Since then it has been getting stronger and more frequent. Sometimes I can feel him in the morning if I lay on my back and put my hand over my stomach. This morning I was doing just that and I felt him moving a lot! So much so that I reached for Michael's hand, put it on my stomach, and he was able to feel him too! It is very weird to have someone moving around inside you, but very awesome at the same time. I am very happy to know that he is moving around and that he is growing large enough so that I can feel him, because that means he is developing as he should, which is a great relief. All of the ultrasounds have said he is doing just fine, but it is nice to get the confirmation more often than just at doctors visits.

It's a boy!

We went for our 18 week anatomy scan today which revealed that the baby is a 7 oz. little boy! We were predicting that he was a boy, but it is nice to see the confirmation. Here is a picture. The Dr. said that she can see his "boyness". I cannot. See what you think.....
Here is another picture of him just for fun. I think he looks really cute in this picture (am I biased?). It is a nice shot of him. Him, oh boy, it's a him!

12 week ultrasound

It was really nice to see our little one moving around in there. He/she looks healthy and has a good heart beat (150 bpm). This picture shows his/her face from the side with a hand next to the eye region.

A Valentine's Baby

Here is our first look at our new little one. It is really hard to differentiate anything in this picture, but it did give us our due date of February 14, 2010.

We're Pregnant!

We had been planning and trying...and finally...

And then just to be sure...

On 6/20/09 our lives changed forever.

Welcome to our blog!

We are 18 weeks pregnant today and I thought that our new life, with all of its changes, should be documented. Since all of our family lives in other states, a blog seemed like a good choice.

I am notoriously bad at keeping in touch with people, so hopefully this blog will serve as a communication method between us and our loved ones. I will do my best to post on a regular basis, but if I don't, feel free to holler at me :-) Happy Reading!