Our first couple of weeks

Time is going by so fast, so before I get too behind in the blog, let me update you with what has been going on.

Our days are spent pretty much just feeding and sleeping. We tried to stick to the schedule they put us on when he was in the NICU (feeding at 12, 3, 6, and 9), but I discovered that allowing him to sleep 4 hours at a time if he wanted to was really great for Michael and I. So now, we are on the feeding every 2-4 hours schedule, which makes feeding times less predictable, but allows for more sleep (sometimes!). However, when you consider that feedings take anywhere from 30-90 minutes, you can see why there is not much time for anything else.

We do manage to squeeze in bath time though. I love it when he smells fresh and clean, and I have discovered that all of his protesting to being exposed to the air causes him to become more tired and fall asleep more easily. We need to make this part of a bedtime routine, but lets just tackle one thing at a time...a routine is on my wish list right now.

Because Aiden has to be kept warm all the time, he has to stay swaddled up in blankets. But when we unswaddle him to change his diaper or feed him, he loves to stretch and wiggle all over the place. I call him my Wiggly-Squiggly Boy!

Here are a couple of pictures of him from around the house...

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